Sunday, December 7, 2008

House of Blues

So, this morning I accompanied my mom to her work Christmas party at the House of Blues. For those of you who haven't been, House of Blues is a pretty cool concert venue downtown with different levels, a little restaurant area, and some pretty weird/funky decor. I've been there for several concerts, but never to their Gospel Brunch the have on Sundays. I figured they chose the name because it so happens to be on Sunday morning, and most people church it up on Sundays.
Yet, I was wonderfully mistaken. After we had been eating for a while, a group of vocalists and musicians took the stage and started singing. Rather, worshiping. They sang (all with the vocal stylings of Aretha Franklin) some superbly awesome songs, all songs of praise to the Lord. Then the lead female vocalist started to share about Jesus. Not God, or a Higher Power, but specifically Jesus.
It was so amazing to see someone speak such bold truth to an audience that was probably neither expecting it nor aware of such a need in their lives. The majority came for the food, or they worked with my mom and were there for a free breakfast on their employer. "But I believe in Divine appointments," this woman on stage said. "I'm not here to push Jesus on you, but I am here to tell you that you need Him." She went on for a bit longer, and then they sang more worship songs, and I just sat there, so in awe of how huge God is. I went with my mom this morning knowing I'd miss church this Sunday, but I ended up getting to praise the Lord anyways! And moreover, I got to see how He can influence hearts to glorify Him without even truly realizing it. What a blessing I wasn't even prepared to experience!
The huge "Unity in Diversity: All Are One" sign over the HOB stage combined with various different religious symbols doesn't exactly encourage Biblical truth or the gospel of Jesus. Yet God has chosen this place to be used to glorify Him and have a mostly non-believing crowd be exposed to His existence and truth. God IS everywhere, even in the places we least expect Him to be.


Difference Maker said...

That is Awesome Ali. It's cool when God totally blows you away. On another note, I love HOB its such a fun place to go for shows!! I need to go to another one soon, I am going through concert withdrawals:) glad to see that you have joined the ranks of the blogging society :)

Difference Maker said...

by the way this is Jared:) i forgot to mention that in the last comment :)

- Liz said...

i was wondering why i didn't hear your beautiful voice singing at church. but that was so awesome! It's crazy how often he pops up when you least expect it huh? oh yea this is liz martin by the way! i'm going to start following your blog! i just got one, so i'm a newbie to this whole thing!